Director: Michelle Petty-Judson
Contact Information
Phone: 662-513-7957
Targeted Case Management (TCM) provides person-centered supports to people with intellectual/developmental disabilities to assist them in living a life filled with choices of personal needs, desires, and wishes. These Medicaid funded supports are designed to provide persons with meaningful days consisting of activities of the person's choice
TCM provides services monthly to assist with the development of a person-centered Plan of Services and Supports (PSS) which identifies the person's needs, desires, and wishes. The PSS ensures that the person has meaningful days of activity and engagement.
Services are available statewide to persons who have exited high school with either a diploma, Certificate of Completion, Certificate of Attendance, or is presently over the age of 18, not enrolled in any school, and who meet the following eligibility criteria:
- Are available to receive or currently receiving Medicaid benefits as determined by the Category of Eligibility for full Medicaid
- Are determined to need the level of care (LOC) provided by the IDD CSP.
The types of services that are offered to individuals that meet the eligibility criteria are as follows:
- Day Services-Adult - assists and supports retention and/or improvement of skills that afford a person the greatest level of independence possible.
- Pre-Vocational - promote vocational skill development with the eventual outcome of obtaining employment in a workplace in a community, with or without support(s).
- Supported Employment - supports people in finding and keeping a job in the community.
- Supported Living - provides services to persons who reside in their own home (with either renting , leasing, or owned by family) to enhance independent living in areas such as planning and preparing meals, cleaning, transportation or assistance with acquiring transportation, ambulation or mobility, personal safety and security, banking, shopping, and budgeting.
Evaluations for initial eligibility are conducted by the Diagnostic and Evaluation Teams at one of the state Regional Programs for people with IDD.